


A scala.swing.GridBagPanel also arranges its elements in a grid. This grid, however, is not uniform, and Constraints are used to determine, for each element, which grid positions it should take, if it should be resized to fill the grid positions, and which grid rows and columns should be resized when the window is resized.

Here is an example:


This grid has five rows (one is not currently visible), and three columns. The label at the top-left covers two rows, the text area in the middle covers three rows (one of them invisible), and the close button covers three columns. When we resize the window, the layout changes like this:

GridBagPanel after resizing

Now the fourth row is clearly visible. The resizing is done entirely by resizing column two and row four.

The source code for this example looks like this:

import scala.swing._

class UI extends MainFrame {
  title = "GridBagPanel"
  contents = new GridBagPanel {
    def constraints(x: Int, y: Int, 
		    gridwidth: Int = 1, gridheight: Int = 1,
		    weightx: Double = 0.0, weighty: Double = 0.0,
		    fill: GridBagPanel.Fill.Value = GridBagPanel.Fill.None) 
    : Constraints = {
      val c = new Constraints
      c.gridx = x
      c.gridy = y
      c.gridwidth = gridwidth
      c.gridheight = gridheight
      c.weightx = weightx
      c.weighty = weighty
      c.fill = fill

    add(new Label("Label @ (0,0)") {border=Swing.EtchedBorder(Swing.Lowered) },
	constraints(0, 0, gridheight=2, fill=GridBagPanel.Fill.Both))
    add(new ToggleButton("Button @ (2,0)"),
	constraints(2, 0))
    add(new Button("Button @ (2,1)"), 
	constraints(2, 1))
    add(new Button("Button @ (2,2)"), 
	constraints(2, 2))
    add(new CheckBox("Check me!"), 
	constraints(0, 2))
    add(new TextField { columns = 32 }, 
	constraints(1, 0, weightx=1.0, fill=GridBagPanel.Fill.Horizontal))
    add(new ScrollPane(new TextArea),
	constraints(1, 1, gridheight=3, weighty = 1.0, 
    add(Button("Close") { sys.exit(0) }, 
	constraints(0, 4, gridwidth=3, fill=GridBagPanel.Fill.Horizontal))

object PanelFour {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val ui = new UI
    ui.visible = true
As you can see, the layout is controlled by the Constraints class (defined inside the GridBagPanel class). Its fields have the following meaning: