Reading from the terminal |
You already noticed the functions print and println for printing to the terminal.
To read input from the terminal, we use the readString() function. It prints a prompt, then waits for the user to enter a line. The result of the function is a string, so you may have to convert it to a number. Here is an example (drinks.kts):
import org.otfried.cs109.readString var name = readString("What's your name? ").trim() var answer = readString("Hi $name, would you like a beer? ").trim().toLowerCase() if (answer == "yes" || answer == "y") { var num = readString("How many beer will you have? ").toInt() if (num > 5) println("That sounds a bit excessive!") else if (num < 2) println("Don't be shy...") else println("Here you are.") }
Reading from the terminal |