Programming homework 1

Here is our first programming homework, on implementing a solver for a simplified version of a Flash game named "Bloxorz", using BFS on a graph that is not given explicitely.

Every student has to submit their own implementation of the programming project. Group work is not allowed.

Before you submit: Please check the detailed requirements at the bottom!

Problem description

Bloxorz is a game in Flash, which you can access here. As a first step for this assignment, play it for a few levels.

The objective of Bloxorz is simple; you must navigate your rectangular block to the hole at the end of the board, by rolling it, in the fewest number of moves possible. A block can be moved in four possible directions, left, right, up, down, using the appropriate keys on the keyboard.

Program behavior

Your task is to write a program that can solve a simplified version of this game, with no orange tiles, circles or crosses on the terrain. The input to your program will be a text file describing a terrain with a start position and a goal position, and the output should be the exact sequence of keys to type in order to reach the goal position, using the smallest possible number of moves.

You can use Java, C, C++, Python, or Scala (or ask me for permission to use a different language). Do not use any special libraries. (You can use arrays, lists, sets, maps etc., from the standard libraries, but no special libraries with graph operations.)

As an example, the first level of the Bloxorx game would be represented as a text file level1.txt like this:


S indicates the start position of the block, T is the goal (target) position of the block. A o or . indicates part of the terrain, a space or a dash is not part of the terrain. We use a coordinate system that has \((0,0)\) at the top left corner of the input file, the \(x\)-coordinate increases to the right, the \(y\)-coordinate to the bottom. In our example file, the start position is at \((1, 1)\), and the goal position is at \((7, 4)\).

Your program should take the filename of the terrain on the command line, and print a sequence of moves on standard output, using the letters LRUD (for left, right, up, and down). For the file level1.txt, a possible move sequence would be (this is not the shortest sequence):


You can find a few example terrains for you to examine and to test your program at (Click on the Raw button for each file to download it.)

Further examples can be found at

Modelling as a graph and implementation

We model the problem as a graph. The nodes of the graph are the possible configurations of the block. For each configuration, there are at most four outgoing edges, corresponding to the four possible ways of rolling the block.

Your program must run breadth-first search on this graph to find the shortest path to the goal configuration (or to determine that the goal configuration cannot be reached). The procedure should stop as soon as you have found the target—do not explore the entire graph!

Your program must not build the graph, but must represent it implicitely. Find a useful representation of the possible configurations (for instance, use the coordinates of the two parts of the block), and write a function that returns all the neighbors of a given configuration.

We store the visited vertices in a hash table. This allows us to determine efficiently the value of dist(u) without needing an array of all the vertices of the graph. (You should not need to implement a hash table yourself—use a data structure from a standard library, such as HashMap in Java, scala.collection.mutable.Map in Scala, hash_map in C++, or a dict in Python).

To display a sequence of operations leading to a solution, you need to remember for each visited configuration the parent of the configuration in the shortest-path tree. Again this can be done using a hash table (or the same hash table can be used for both purposes).


Some of the example terrains contain periods . to mark a terrain tile instead of a o. These correspond to orange tiles in the Flash game: The block cannot stand on these tiles, but it can lie there. For bonus credit, implement these tiles correctly, so that your program's solution will not contain moves where the block stands on a period tile.


See below for the precise submission format.

You must upload the sources of your program. Do not upload any executable files, data files, Eclipse settings files, etc. No *.exe, no *.class files, please!

Submit by uploading your file at the submission server.

You will need to register on the server before using it for the first time (If you are also taking CS109, then you can use your CS109 account to submit your CS300 project.) When you register, you have to choose an alias. This alias will be used when I post your homework and exam scores. Keep it secret, as everybody who knows your alias will know your scores.

You must remember your password. There is currently no way to retrieve or change your password (except for asking me).

The deadline is midnight on Wednesday, April 25, sharp.

Submission format

Points are subtracted for submissions that do not follow these rules exactly!

Your program must be written so that it can be run from the command line and reads the terrain file given on the command line. The output must consist of a single line containing the letters UDLR only. No other output is allowed, so make sure to remove all debugging output!

Points will be subtracted if your program reads a hard-coded filename or if it reads from standard input, or if there is any other output.


If your source is a single file, name it and upload that. If your source consists of several files, name the main program, make a zip file, and upload the zip file.

It must be possible to run your program as

> python3 terrain.txt 

You are not allowed to use any third-party libraries—only the standard Python libraries.


Make sure that the main class of your application is called Bloxorx.

If your source is a single file, upload that. If your source consists of several files, make a zip file, and upload the zip file.

It must be possible to compile and run your program using

> javac *.java
> java Bloxorx terrain.txt 

You are not allowed to use any third-party libraries—only the standard Java libraries.

Do not submit any IDE project files, class files, etc.


Make sure that the main file of your application is called bloxorx.kt.

If your source is a single file, upload that. If your source consists of several files, make a zip file, and upload the zip file.

It must be possible to compile and run your program using

> ktc *.kt
> kt BloxorxKt terrain.txt 

You are not allowed to use any third-party libraries—only the standard Kotlin libraries.

Do not submit any IDE project files, class files, etc.

C and C++

You must submit a zip file that contains your source files (for instance bloxorx.h, bloxorx.cpp, terrain.cpp) and a Makefile. Upload the zip file.

It must be possible to compile and run your program using

> make
> bloxorx terrain.txt 

Note that the executable produced by the Makefile must be called bloxorx.

You are not allowed to use any third-party libraries—only the standard C or C++ libraries. Your code must compile on a standard Linux environment—code that only works in Windows Visual Studio or on Mac OSX is not allowed.

Do not submit any IDE project files, object files, executable files etc.

Other languages

If you want to use any other programming language, you should ask for permission and instructions first on Classum.